Stay Special

In everything you do, stay away from mediocrity. Don’t take that road.

Even if you do the same thing as a thousand other people do, you can still do it differently.

There’s still place for being “unique” because you’re unique.

I don’t like mediocrity. There’s nothing bad in wanting to be ahead of the crowd, to be the best at what you do etc. the reason why I don’t like it is because it’s BORING.

Mediocre thinking is : ”I am doing things this way because there’s no other way, everybody does it this way so why bother?”

Did you know that the word mediocre means “halfway up the mountain” in Latin?

So you may be thinking you’ve reached your highest level but you are actually just halfway up the mountain. That would be a funny picture for someone who’s watching . You complain that you’ve ended your journey when you still have, half to climb. You think you’re moving but if you took the mediocre road, that just goes in a circle around the mountain, it’s not gonna get you any higher. Soon you’ll be so good at it, that your sense to explore will vanish.

I believe it’s possible to find something new every day that makes life more interesting and better.

So whatever you do, stay special !

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