October - Marriage

We just celebrated our 1st year Anniversary. I don’t have a lot of experience yet,
but I can tell you a few things about the most wonderful year in my life.
You might say, oh, you’re still newly weds, wait a couple more years and then we’ll see.
I think the secret is in keeping the beginners principles.
They are different from couple to couple, I’m gonna talk about a few basics ones:
  • Don’t ever yell at each other, unless you’re in the bathroom with the fan on and you want to be heard when you say “I love you”.
  • At the end of the day, go to bed in peace, try to at least clarify the problem if not resolve it.
  • Ask first, be mad after (if it’s still the case). Don’t let your imagination assume. Most of the times you got the wrong impression.
  • Take time to go on dates. Dress up, go see a movie, have an ice cream, take a walk.
  • If something is bothering you, the first person to talk about is your spouse not your friends.
  • Don’t embarrass each other in public.
  • Unexpected notes or gifts are always welcome.
  • Discuss future dreams and pray together.
  • One of my favorites words are : “Today is gonna be great.” Even when you spend your days apart, just hearing that gives you a new perspective.
  • I'm sure you've heard this one before, but it doesn't hurt to practice it today - Love your spouse like there's no tomorrow !
  • Never stop kissing passionately.
  • Try to discover something new in your partner every day.Don't think you know everything otherwise it gets boring.
  • Take really good care of your family. When everything around you is falling apart you'll still have what you need to be happy.
  • You want your marriage fresh? - Keep God in the house.
  • Even if you said " I love you " at the wedding it's still nice to hear it everyday.
Marriage is not about getting comfortable, is about fighting every day.
Marriage is not for people who can live together, but for those who can't live without one another.