December - Silence Your Doubts

If you want to change things starting next year,
you should start with changing thinking.

If your doubts become destructive

and leads you to believe

things that are not true,

God wants to silence them.

November - Worries?

I just noticed that the way things works in my life are a little bit different.

I can wait for months and months for a change, and almost despair, and out of the sudden – BOOM-.

Things are changing in more than one areas, I like to think about this times that God is taking me on His wings and I go through life flying for a while. And then He let me walk in the dust some more, teach me a few things and when I can’t go on, He takes me on His wings again. And when He does that, all my worries goes away, and of course, new worries can come up with the new change, but I try to at least enjoy the ride. What comforts me is His faithfulness, He always knows what He’s doing. He always shows up at the right time.

  • Worries are natural, don't let them eat your life though.
  • Worries makes us week, feed your mind with positive thoughts to stay strong.
  • "Remember that 90% of what you worry about never happens."
  • All your worries run away when you recognize that there's nothing impossible for God.
  • Sometimes your vision is not clear because you worry too much. Being positive opens new doors.