Driving through the hills on a rainy day. Some areas were flooded, everybody was inside, either their homes or cars, trying to get to the destination as soon as possible.
Because we may like rain, but only from our windows.
The most relaxed creatures i saw in those moments, were the cows. They had no problem staying outside eating, like it was some kind of outdoor party going on.
And i thought, hm..i bet after they are done eating they will return for the night in the shelter and tomorrow they're gonna start over.
Millions of thoughts and worries would rise up from the people passing by, but nothing from the cows. And i am wondering, how come they know they're gonna be fine? I wish i could have the confidence that animals have. And we are much more important for our Creator.
It's all right to get busy, to run here and there, preparing what we need to live. But there is a limit. And after we pass that limit, we only get more stressed.
Like there is a time and place for everything, there has to be a time for us just to relax and enjoy what we've done.
Jesus said He will bless the work of our hands. Does anybody out there still believe that?
There is a time when we have to let it go. If you already put all you have in doing something, overworking it doesn't help.
There is a time to say "Lord, i've done the work, now it's all in Your hands to provide for me."
We need peace of mind to survive, not only food and shelter.
What do you think it will happen with our crops, if after we plant the seeds, we are walking around all day long on it, to see if there's any results?

Nothing will come out , we have to step away after we plant the seed and give it some time.
As my mom says, a human being needs 8 hours of work, 8 hours of relaxing and doing things that we like, and 8 hours of sleep. Now i know for most of us this would be in a perfect world, and sometimes it might not even depend on us entirely. But we need to consider it once in a while.
Overworking yourself it might bring you more money, but if you continue like that you might end up spending them on recovery. Is that worth it?
I'm talking about at least one hour a day where you can let all your worries outside. And don't worry, they won't go anywhere. One hour to do something that you enjoy without stressing.
Today choose not to care about the rain of problems, and what others think about you, and what's gonna happen tomorrow, and go take a walk or just watch on the window cars passing by , not only it will recharge your batteries but you'll get new ideas about how to be more efficient in what you do.
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